java oauth

Code Below is a collection of libraries and services that support OAuth 2.0. If you would like to make any changes to this page, you can edit this page. Server Libraries Java MitreID (with OpenID Connect) Apache Oltu Spring Security OAuth Apis Authorizati

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  • OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect OpenID Connect allows you to handle and use authentication to...
    ... Options | App Engine standard environment for Java | Go ...
  • Code Below is a collection of libraries and services that support OAuth 2.0. If you would ...
    Code — OAuth
  • Google OAuth Client Library for Java: Latest: &middo...
    Downloads | OAuth Client Library for Java | Google Developers
  • java-oauth-server - Authorization Server Implementation in Java supporting OAuth 2.0 &...
    GitHub - authletejava-oauth-server: Authorization Server ...
  • Written by Google, the Google OAuth Client Library for Java is a powerful and easy-to-use ...
    GitHub - googlegoogle-oauth-java-client: Google OAuth Clien ...
  • Simple OAuth library for Java. Contribute to scribejava development by creating an account...
    GitHub - scribejavascribejava: Simple OAuth library for Java
  • Google OAuth Client Library for Java. Contribute to google-oauth-java-client development b...
    googlegoogle-oauth-java-client - GitHub
  • Hi there, I've re-written my app a bit and have completed the token exchange stuff. No...
    Java oAuth + Android - Google Groups
  • I'm looking for a Java library that helps me building an OAuth Provider. I must be abl...
    Library for OAuth Provider (Java) - Stack Overflow
  • Purpose: This document describes the generic OAuth 2.0 functions offered by the Google OAu...
    OAuth 2.0 and the Google OAuth Client Library for Java | OAu ...
  • 2016年8月16日 - Purpose: This document describes the generic OAuth 2.0 functions offered by ...
    OAuth 2.0 and the Google OAuth Client Library for Java | OAuth Client ...
  • OAuth 2.0 OAuth 2.0 is the industry-standard protocol for authorization. OAuth 2.0 superse...
    OAuth 2.0 — OAuth
  • 最近需要實作 OAuth 2 認證,不是接別人的 OAuth 2 ,而是自己製作出可以讓別人接我們的 OAuth 2 的服務(俗稱 Provider)。但看到既有的 OAuth 2...
    OAuth 2.0 筆記 (1) 世界觀 - Yu-Cheng Chuang’s Blog
  • A Java library designed to work with any OAuth 1.0a or OAuth 2.0 service on the web. Googl...
    OAuth Client Library for Java | Google Developers
  • 2016年8月16日 - The Google OAuth Client Library for Java is designed to work with any OAuth ...
    Samples for the Google OAuth Client Library for Java | OAuth Client ...
  • You can download the Google OAuth Client Library for Java and its dependencies in a zip fi...
    Setup Instructions | OAuth Client Library for Java | Google Developers
  • 2015年5月14日 - A guide to adding Google and GitHub OAuth sign-in to your Java application. ...
    Tutorial: How to Implement Java oAuth 2.0 to Sign-In with GitHub and ...
  • 2016年3月3日 - For information about the generic OAuth 2.0 functions that we provide, see OA...
    Using OAuth 2.0 with the Google API Client Library for Java | API ...
  • 最近為了運用 hackpad 在研究 RESTful Web Services ,由於 JDK 並沒有支援,特地搜尋了一下,發現網路中文資源也很少,特此整理了一下。 主要會需要用到...
    [Java] 使用 OAuth 連接 RESTful Web Services « Lee's Blog ...